Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - bologna.lab

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | bologna.lab | Hybrid Teaching Network

Berlin Project "Hybrid Teaching Network"

The partners of the Hybrid Teaching Network develop content and course offerings to improve hybrid teaching in higher education.

About the Project

Along with network partners at Charité, Berliner Hochschule für Technik, Freie Universität, Technische Universität and Universität der Künste and in close cooperation with the Berliner Zentrum für Hochschullehre, the aim of the Hybrid Teaching Network is to develop further training courses, room concepts, teaching practice recommendations, handouts, and self-study units relating to the opportunities and challenges of hybrid teaching formats for members of ALL Berlin universities.

Visit the Network Website

The team at HU-Berlin is responsible for the overall coordination of the project and leads two sub-projects within the network:

For the sub-project of the bologna.lab, the focus is on the development and support of teaching and learning concepts for small to medium-sized hybrid courses.

The sub-project of CMS (Computer and Media Service) focuses on the development and testing of room concepts for various hybrid teaching/learning scenarios (technology, room equipment, training concepts for the use of media technology, etc.).


Funding and Duration of the Project

State of Berlin (QIO – Berliner Qualitäts- und Innovationsoffensive), July 2022 - December 2024


Project Team Members at bologna.lab

Wolfgang Deicke (Leader)

Daria Dydzinskaya (Coordinator)

Natalia Spitha (Teaching and Learning)