Director of bologna.lab
Wolfgang Deicke
+49 30 2093-70818
Higher Education Development
For didactical questions concerning teaching and learning, specifically research-based learning, student-centered teaching and digital and hybrid teaching, please write to:
Laura Schilow
+49 30 2093-70807
Circle U.
The Circle U. project at bologna.lab coordinates Circle U’s Work package 5 „Socially-engaged education and research“ with the aim of developing three knowledge hubs on democracy, global health and climate. In cooperation with Academic chairs, students and associated partners the aim is to develop the climate hub and organize events and projects to strengthen the knowledge hubs.
Isabelle Mensching
Program officer
+49 30 2093-70785
HU Mission Statement for Teaching and Learning
As a statement of common understanding regarding university-wide quality standards and overarching goals for university education, the mission statement for teaching and learning serves as a frame of reference for the departments in developing teaching and learning, as well as in implementing and supporting such developments on centralized and decentralized levels.
Kathrin Friederici
Program officer
+49 30 2093-70809
Berlin Network of Hybrid Teaching
In contrast to established face-to-face teaching and the online leraning from two years of coronavirus semesters, hybrid teaching is still in its infancy. The aim of the project is the essential interaction of educational technology and didactic expertise in particular for the implementation of hybrid courses, but also the clarification of legal and curricular issues. This is a cross-university project of six Berlin universities with the close cooperation with the Berlin Centre for University Teaching.
Duration: 01.07.2022 - 31.12.2024
Funded by: Qualitäts-und Innovationsoffensive des Landes Berlin
Project official Web-page: Berliner Netzwerk Hybride Lehre (
Daria Dydzinskaya
Project coordination
+49 30 2093-70811
Natalia Spitha
Teaching and Learning
+49 30 2093-70711
Former academic staff members:
Jessica Bartz, HU-Q-Kolleg
Dr. Kristine Beurskens (geb. Müller), HU-Q Programm
Andy Borchert, Studium und Spitzensport
Dr. Susanne Borgwaldt, Evidenzbasierte Gestaltung von Forschendem Lernen (EviG-FL)
Dr. Carola Ebert, HU-Q Programm
Dr. Julia Effertz, Berlin Perspectives
Kathrin Friederici HU-Q Programm/EviG-FL
Christopher Gess, Evaluation/Begleitforschung/ForschenLernen
Yasemin Gülez, Evidenzbasierte Gestaltung von Forschendem Lernen (EviG-FL)
Sabrina Hahm, Studieren in Teilzeit/Digitale Lehrentwicklung
Dr. Thea Jenner (geb. Nesyba), Begleitforschung
Dr. Lars Jenßen, ForschenLernen
Dr. Christoph Klose, HU-Q Kolleg
Dhanya Koschorreck, HU-Q Programm
Birgit Lettmann, »Vielfalt der Wissensformen«
Tom Lilge, »Vielfalt der Wissensformen«
Johannes Moes, Internationale Lehrentwicklung
Insa Reichow (geb. Wessels), ForschenLernen/Begleitforschung/EviG-FL
Dr. Arne Reinhardt, HU-Q Kolleg
Sina-Mareen Retaza (geb. Grasmück), HU-Q Programm/Kaskadenprojekt
Andrea Riedel, HU-Q Programm
Dr. Stefanie Rinke, Humboldt-Bachelor/Berlin Perspectives
Julia Rueß, Begleitforschung/ForschenLernen/EviG-FL
Anne Schmidt, HU-Q Programm
Sercan Sek, Studium und Spitzensport
Dr. Johannes Siemens, Internationale Lehrentwicklung
Anna Sitnikova, Teilzeitstudium Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Dr. Monika Sonntag, Berlin Perspectives/HU-Q Programm
Tina Talman, Studium und Spitzensport/Digitale Lehrentwicklung (SiT)
Dr. Corinna Tomberger, Humboldt-Bachelor
Leonie Wölker, Begleitforschung/Virtual Campus Berlin
Former student assistants:
Paula Hartl, HU-Q Programm
Stephan Bahn, Studium und Spitzensport
Luise Behm, Forschungsprojekt "ForschenLernen" (Begleitforschung)
Rojin Bindal, »Vielfalt der Wissensformen«
Chiara Bothe, HU-Q Programm
Veit Dubiel, Studium und Spitzensport
Henriette Engel, HU-Q Kolleg
Martina Ferstl, HU-Q Programm
Jasmin Franken, Internationale Lehrentwicklung
Christoph Geiger, Begleitende Forschung
Mewes Goertz, Studium und Spitzensport
Wiebke Hemme, »Vielfalt der Wissensformen«
Irene Hilden, »Vielfalt der Wissensformen«
Lena Himmler, Berlin Perspectives
Stefanie Huber, Internationale Lehrentwicklung
Janina Hundert, Studieren in Teilzeit
Kim Jördens, HU-Q Programm/Leitung des bologna.labs
Anja Kapllani, Berlin Perspectives
Carolin Jürs, Studieren in Teilzeit
Kalle Kohorst, Internationale Lehrentwicklung
Benjamin Kryl, HU-Q Programm
Frederic Lenz, Begleitforschung
Timo Lünemann, Teilzeitstudium Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Diana Mammana, Berlin Perspectives
Max Peers, HU-Q Programm
Lea Prölß, »Vielfalt der Wissensformen«
Lea-Sophie Meyer, Berlin Perspectives
Anna Sitnikova, Teilzeitstudium Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Rolf Sporleder, HU-Q Kolleg
Natasha Simon Safir, Berlin Perspectives
Maxim Weichel, Berlin Perspectives