Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - bologna.lab

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | bologna.lab | Teaching Support | Hybrid Teaching | Instructor survey on hybrid teaching & learning

Instructor survey on hybrid teaching & learning

As part of the Berlin-wide university cooperation "Netzwerk Hybride Lehre", our team at the HU would like to get a clearer picture of how hybrid teaching is carried out at our university and how instructors can be better supported.

For this purpose, we are carrying out an anonymous survey (5-8 min) that asks instructors about their experiences, opinions, and wishes on the topic of hybrid and digitally supported teaching. We want to use the results of the survey to optimize our services and make informed decisions on future initiatives (such as the Netzwerk Hybride Lehre).

It's important for the purposes of the survey that instructors with differing levels of experience with hybrid teaching participate; both those who already use hybrid teaching formats as well as those who have little experience with them or have actively decided against them.

The survey will run until the first few weeks of the Winter Semester 2024-25 and the results will be analyzed shortly afterwards. You can return to this page later to learn more about the results of the survey.