Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - bologna.lab

Call for applications - Q-Teams

Information on applying for a Q-Team


Applications for winter semester 2022/23 are accepted until 24 August 2022


For the winter semester 2022/23 we welcome applications, where the planned project will be in English, held digitally and has thematic ties to one of the topics of the Circle U. Knowledge Hubs: Climate, Democracy and Global Health. 

The interdisciplinary selection committee will evaluate the HU-Q-Team applications according to guiding questions. You can download the criteria of the selection committee as a PDF


What is a Q-Team?


Who are we looking for?


What is the role of the Q-Team-Leaders?


What do you have to submit with the application?


Accompanying programme for the Q-Team leaders


Do you have further questions?

We are happy to discuss any queries via e-mail, on the phone, or personally.

For an appointment contact us at


We look forward to your application!


[1] Vgl. „Forschendes Lernen im Seminar. Ein Leitfaden für Lehrende“ (bologna.lab, 2. überarbeitete Auflage 2017):