Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - bologna.lab

Interdisciplinary Studies - Humboldt Bachelor

The "Interdisciplinary Studies - Humboldt Bachelor" aimed to equip students with cross-disciplinary and reflective skills.


What the study programme looked like:

The "Interdisciplinary Studies - Humboldt Bachelor" is an innovative programme of studies with an interdisciplinary focus. With this programme the Humboldt University of Berlin (HU) aimed to develop a deep understanding of interdisciplinarity, based on the dialogue of the disciplins and on common interdisciplinary research questions. The Humboldt Bachelor sought to promote disciplinary and interdisciplinary skills and to give students scope for personal development and the opportunity for an in-depth exploration of specific topics.


The study programme "Interdisciplinary Studies - Humboldt Bachelor" was designed by the bologna.lab in collaboration with the HU Berlin teaching staff from a wide range of faculties and disciplines.