Humboldt Award for Excellence in Teaching
Outstanding teaching is an important touchstone for the quality of our university, because according to Humboldt’s ideal, research can only be successful when it is closely associated with learning. Every year, the ‘Humboldt Award for Excellence in Teaching’ rewards successful and innovative teachers and teaching concepts implemented in the course of regular teaching at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU). By focusing on different aspects of teaching each year, the award aims to stimulate a broad discussion. The HU endows a prize of 10,000 € to be used for teaching purposes as the award winner sees fit.
Award for Excellence in Teaching 2024 on "Sustainable Teaching and Learning"
The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Award for Excellence in Teaching will be presented in the academic year 2024 on the topic of "Sustainable Teaching and Learning". This year, teachers and teaching/learning projects are being sought who have succeeded in an outstanding way in introducing sustainable dimensions into teaching.
>> Find more details in the Call for Nominations (PDF)
Nominate outstanding courses for the Teaching award of 2024
Have you experienced courses in the winter semester 23/24, summer semester 2024 or winter semester 2024/25 that are successful examples of sustainable teaching at the HU? Then nominate them by 12 January 2025 for the HU Teaching Award 2024!
All nominees will be informed of their nomination. The prize will be awarded by a jury decision in cooperation with the respective institutes, student councils and deaneries.
Award for Excellence in Teaching 2023 on "International Teaching and Learning"
This year we congratulate Prof. Dr. Heike Wieters & Prof. Dr. Hannes Grandits, who were awarded the prize for their seminar "How to do European History? Current approaches and controversies".
Award for Excellence in Teaching 2022 on "Collaborative Teaching and Learning"
Congratulations to Azakhiwe Z. Nocanda, who won the ‘Humboldt Award for Excellence in Teaching’ 2022 for her seminar "(In)visibly Black: Understanding Race, Racism, and the Politics of Belonging in Berlin".
Kategorie Über den Preis: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Kategorie Ausschreibung 2018: Heyde/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Kategorie Vorherige Ausschreibungen: Zappe/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin